2020 Vision - A Year of Attracting + Manifesting Our Dreams

If we don’t have a vision, we won’t see where we’re going.

2020 is waiting for us to create the lives we seek to live. Cliché or not, we have to believe in order to achieve our dreams. Our beliefs stem from the thoughts we repeat in our minds, and the conversations we have with ourselves in our heads, first.

So on this final day of 2019, here are some vows to self for you to add to your 2020 vision board. Affirmations you can make your own. Write down. And repeat to yourself every day until they become your reality. Because everything we think, is. It’s only a matter of when.

2020 Vision Vows to Self

I keep my mind focused on what I want to attract.

I align my thoughts with abundance and prosperity.

I speak words of life into myself and those around me.

I attract the right people into my life.

I attract opportunities aligned with my purpose.

I have clarity on my goals and dreams.

I envision myself receiving the opportunities of my dreams.

I envision myself accomplishing my goals with ease and joy.

I receive opportunities I have been praying for.

Doors I have been knocking on are opening for me.

I am motivated, aligned and focused.

I am prosperous in every area of my life.

I am truly blessed.

I bless my life.

Make Your Own 2020 Vows

I release __________________ . (what do you want to release?)

I embrace __________________ . (what qualities do you want to embrace more of?)

I instill ___________________ . (what qualities and habits do you want to practice?)

I am free to ____________________ . (what do you want to feel more freedom to do?)

I am grateful for ____________________ . (what are you currently grateful for? what will you be grateful for once you receive it?)

I am grateful for ______________________ . (who are you grateful for in your life?)

My dream of _____________________ is my reality. (what’s your biggest dream? claim it!).

Wishing you all a prosperous New Year! Join the calm + cool collective newsletter below for more inspiration + upcoming events in 2020. Be sure to follow @vowtoself on Instagram for positive self-talk on your timeline. If you want to share your vows to be posted on our page, DM @vowtoself or fill out a note here.

Follow my personal Instagram + listen to my poetry on all music streaming outlets. Get an autographed copy of my book, Brown Butter, with a full chapter of vows to self + collection of poems.

Before you go, here are some of our top vows to self of 2019 that got the most love.

Top Vows of 2019

melysa latham